How to add products in your Online Store

Heavenlight Jacob

Last Update 3 years ago

Login to Your Online Store Admin Dashboard, go to Catalog Section>>Products>>select Simple under the Product Type

– Select Attribute Family

– Enter the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) of the product which is unique to every product.

For example “product name”

– Click Save Product

Now once you click the Save Product button, you will be redirected to the next page where you will find several new settings as shown in the image below.

General Settings


Enter the name of the product


This will be the end of the URL, for example, one page URL ( xx is URL key )

Tax Category

You can select the Tax Category from the drop-down list which you want it to be applied with the product.


If you want to feature the product as a new product then select “New Button”. The resulting product will be shown under the New Products section.


If you want to show the product under the Featured Products section then select the “featured button”

Visible Individually

Select  "visible individually" so that the product will be visible on the front end.


Select "status" to enable the products full details in your e-commerce store.

Guest Checkout

Select "guest checkout" to allow the product ordered by a guest customer in the website


Below is a list of fields you need to fill regarding the product under description.

Short Description

Enter a short description of the feature of the product


Description allows you to elaborate your product in detail.

Meta Description

Below is the list of fields that you need to provide under meta description to make your product easily searchable on search engines.

Meta Title

Provide the main title of the product, which the product will be known as

Meta Keyword

The meta keyword for the product needs to be provided to improve its searchability on the search engine for specific keywords.

Meta Description

Enter description so that the product can easily appear in search engine listing


Insert the price, cost, special price and set the special price date for which special price will be shown on the website

Inventory & Images

- Insert the quantity of the product which is available on your inventory. By default, it is set to 0 and if not provided then the product will not be visible on the front end

- Add the product images, click on Add Images. You can add multiple images of your product.


Allocate your product to the respective category


Last but not least choose the channel to add the product

Product At Front End

The product will be visible at the front end as shown in the image below:

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